Harvey Clark introduced our speaker of the day Joan Marlow of "Peaceful Easy Healing".  Joan's topic was "5 Simple Tools to Jumpstart a Lifetime of Health and Well-Being".
The Five tools are:
1. Be an observer in your own life - stop 3 times a day and observe what's happening in your body and mind.  See if you can identify some of your personal stressors.
2. Decide what you can control and what you can't, know the difference and act.  Sort you findings from step 1 into two columns - "what you can control" and "what you can't control".
3. Where the mind goes, the body follows so let's keep our minds positive.  Note what people, topics, activities, things move you from being positive.  Take control and act to rectify them.  Surround yourself with positive people.
4. Just BREATHE!  Take three deep breaths three times a day.
5. Open your mind to new perspectives.  Challenge your belief system.  Go out and learn something new.